Soul Focused Healing teaches classes and Certification Programs in the Art of Energy Medicine through the Esoteric Healing System and the Art of Self-Mastery. We have trained doctors, nurses, psychologist acupuncturists, and massage therapists as well as anyone wanting to learn and understand the Art of Healing to explore the causal level of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dis-ease and imbalances.
If you would like to bring a SFH class to your area please contact the teacher closest to where you live or who you feel the most resonance with.

Deborah Mills
Deborah Mills is a gifted healer, spiritual guide and international teacher, who has been involved in the Healing Arts for 30 years. Trained in the Art of Esoteric Healing, Advanced Energy Healing, Energy Mastery, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Yoga and Meditation. Deborah assists people in awakening to deeper levels of their Divine Essence and purpose, navigating from the limitations of the personality into the freedom of the Soul.
A Certified Teacher of Advanced Energy Healing, Deborah teaches classes and workshops in Energy Medicine, Self-Mastery, Mastery, and the Awakening Consciousness. She was on the faculty of the North Carolina School of Natural Healing for eight years and a collaborative health care professional on the Yellow Courtyard core medical team in Miami Beach for two years.
Deborah is dedicated to the evolution of humanity and the Completion of the Plan of Light on Earth. She is currently based in Asheville, North Carolina.

Dr. Robyn Pichler, Psy.D
Licensed Psychologist and Certified Teacher of Soul Focused Healing
Dr. Robyn Pichler, Psy.D, is a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Teacher of Soul Focused Healing. Before becoming a SFH practitioner Robyn used Mindfulness Based Therapy, EMDR, Natural Processing and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in her practice
This somatic based journey is what led Dr. Pichler in 2014 to discover Soul Focused Healing. Since then, she has witnessed its profound healing in many clients, who had been stuck for decades in unhealthy patterns. Her focus now provides an integrative approach of psychotherapy with Soul Focused Healing. Her training as a psychologist continues to inform her therapeutic approach and Soul Focused Healing adds a vital healing dimension to her work.
Dr. Pichler holds graduate degrees in Educational Psychology and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has been in private practice for over 20 years. She is currently in private practice and teaching in Asheville, NC which includes working with people remotely and open to traveling to other areas to teach.

Kendal McDevitt, MA
Certified Soul Focused Healing Practitioner and Teacher
Kendal McDevitt, MA is a Certified Soul Focused Healing practitioner and teacher. She has a masters degree in Somatic Psychology with a focus in Dance/Movement Therapy from Naropa University, and over 25 years of training in meditation and contemplative practices. Kendal began her study and practice of SFH in 2014 during her 15-year career at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC where she worked in counseling, public health, and wellness. In 2018, a personal health crisis inspired her to open her own healing practice. The profound and lasting healing effects from SFH fuel her passion for sharing this work with others. She currently lives in Boone, NC and provides both in-person and remote sessions and classes.

Paula Van Tuyl
Gifted Healer and Soul Focused Healing Teacher
Paula is a gifted healer, mentor and Soul Focused Healing Teacher who lives in Germany. Paula received her B.A. in Biology and her B.S. in Physical Therapy in Minnesota before moving to Germany. There she began studying Classical Homeopathy and Craino-Sacral Biodynamics, later adding Ho’oponopono, Present Child Translation and Soul Focused Healing to her unique set of skills. She has been working in private Integrative Health Care Practice for over 22 years. Paula brings physical, psychological and spiritual knowledge and wisdom together, supporting students and clients on their evolutionary journey and helping them to find and nurture their unique Soul expression in life. Paula offers Courses and Workshops in English and German.

Teresa Martinez
SFH Energy Medicine Practitioner and Spiritual Teacher
Teresa Martinez is an accomplished SFH Energy Medicine practitioner and spiritual teacher.
Teresa has been a certified teacher of Soul Focused Healing since 2009. With over 20 years of wellness training, she enjoys sharing her wisdom, knowledge and gifts, as well as her deep passion for life, with those on the healing and awakening journey.
One of her biggest passions is working with women and creating support groups, meetings, circles, gatherings and retreats worldwide. She loves supporting and sharing the gift of the Divine Feminine. She supports communities in Wellness, Spirituality, and offers Consulting Services. Teresa is dedicated to consciousness, ascension, and the evolution and awakening happening on the Earth.

Dr. Samantha Wellappili
Lifestyle Medicine and Family Medicine Specialist with a focus on Nutrition
Dr. Samantha Wellappili, MD is a Lifestyle Medicine and Family Medicine Specialist with a focus on Nutrition. She brings a deep inner awareness to her practice through her extensive study of Yoga practice and philosophy in India and the UK. After travelling extensively in India, Dr Samantha was guided to study the Ancient Wisdom Teachings of Soul Focused Healing and completed an 18 month Practitioner Program in London, England and continued with Advance Training. She is currently a SFH Teacher. She helps her patients and clients take action to resolve issues before symptoms turn in to dis-ease. Samantha’s latest book is a heart centered guide to ” Self-Healing Anxiety” Dr Samantha lives by the sea in Brighton, England and offers remote sessions and classes via Zoom.
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