A Transformational Healing Session is like cleaning out, upgrading and energizing the system to receive new vital energy and impute from the Higher Self. This is a tool that works to address deep-rooted causes behind illness, anxiety, pain, and discomfort at every level of one’s being… and assists people in awakening to a clearer more confident expression of self, aligned with their soul and a higher sense of purpose and being.
A few of the benefits are..
• understanding and releasing symptoms
• relieving pain
• anxiety or depression
• releasing sub-conscious patterns and blocks
• better relationships and communication skills
• increased sense of vitality and well-being
Because we are all constructed differently a person comes to experience a healing session for various reasons… or simply having an inquisitive nature that desires to live a fuller expression of being. No matter how healthy or evolved we may think we are, there are always deeper levels of health, vitality and conscious awareness to be experienced and more aspects of the Soul to embody…everyone benefits from a healing session in ways that cannot be put in to words!
Soul Focused Healing is a very precise and scientific anatomical system of healing that works through the 7 Chakra’s of body and the 5 Chakra’s of the Soul. Chakra’s are energy centers that link the physical body with the Soul and regulate prana or life force flowing in to one’s organs, glands and systems of the body and brain. When this life force is diminished through wounds stress or trauma dis-ease and dis-harmony are reflected in the body, mind, heart and Soul.
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