Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “Wheel of Light”. Chakras are energy vortexes that spin clockwise acting as processors and transformers helping to regulate vitality in our body and brain. They act as recording centers by locking in the memory of trauma, memories, unexpressed feelings, belief patterns etc.
Chakras are portals within the subtle body, which take in and process energy from our higher vibrational nature so that it may be properly assimilated and used to transform the organs, glands and systems of the body. As aspects of consciousness, Chakras hold our subconscious patterning as well as being the energetic link to the realm of pure consciousness and our spiritual essence.
When they become blocked by the “issues we are holding in our tissues” disease and imbalances can occur. As they become clear and vital… we become clear and vital.
Chakras of the Body including the Higher Self

To learn details about each of the 7 chakra’s, scroll over each chakra on the image below.
Location: On the crown of the head Balanced State: Blissful Unbalanced State: Limited availability of higher dimensional soul energy Affected By: The energy of will of the soul, soul awarness, use of will affects the Function Of: Pineal gland, right eye, cerebrum Symptoms of Malfunction: Depression, obsessive thinking, confusion, sensitivity to pollution, migraines, chronic exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease The Crown is the receiving unit for the higher dimensional energies and directs them to the pineal gland. The pineal then transmutes these higher dimensional frequencies to frequencies which can be used by the personality vehicle and broadcasts them into the brain and cerebral spinal fluid, vitalizing the nervous system, central channel and the endocrine system. |
Location: Mid-brow Balanced State: Coordibated personality displaying unification of the physical, emotional and mental aspects of consciousness - self mastery Unbalanced State: Confusion, lack of balance between the personalities various aspects of consciousness Affected By: State of function of the lower chakras, willingness to be truly open minded, to see, hear and observe without precondition Affects the Function of: Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, Cerebrum (especially frontal lobes), left eye, ears, and sinus Symptoms of Malfunction: Learning disabilities, lack of impulse control, nightmares, poor vision, glaucoma The Ajna is responsible for balancing and coordination the energies of the personality. To a large extent this can only occur after the lower chakras have come into balance. At this point the Ajna can function as the highest and most powerful creative chakra, working in conscious cooperation with the soul. |
Location: On the throat (between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae) Balanced State: Creative self-expression in tune with the knowledge, wisdom and passion of the soul Unbalanced State: Unable to express thoughts and feelings in a creative manner Affected By: State of the Mental Body, open mindedness, truth and judgement, creative communication, self expression Affects the Function of: Thyroid & parathyroid glands, mouth, tonge, pharynx, throat, larynx, esophagus, upper lungs, lymphatic system shoulders, arms & hands Symptoms of Malfunction: Sore throats, swollen glands, colds, thyroid problems, hearing problems, overly high or low pitched voice The Throat Chakra is the higher creative com[ponent of the Sacral Chakra. It is the link into the mental body and once balanced with the emotional body we find consciousness reaching to the spiritual levels drawing energy, inspiration and knowledge for creative manifestation in life. |
Location: The center of the chest (between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae) Balanced State: Acceptance of self & our own humanity which allows unconditional love & compassion to blossom Unbalanced State: Co-dependency & fears of loneliness, commitment, betrayal, rejection & unworthiness Affected By: Comparisson, gratitude, ability to give & receive love, acceptance & openness, improper use of will Affects the Function of: Thymus & immune system, heart & ciculatory system, lower lungs, breasts, diaphragm, arms & hands Symptoms of Malfunction: Asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, immune system disorders, breast cancer The heart can fully awaken only after the solar plexus has come into balance. As the heart opens we begin to establish a permanent link with the soul and start to live within the passion of our divine nature. |
Location: Just below the diaphragm Balanced State: Clear sense of self and one's place in the world Unbalanced State: Reactive, possibly materialistic, often displays either a submissive or aggressive personality Affected By: General emotional health, personal will & power, sense of self, ability to digest & assimilate new ideas & experiences, shock, emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred Affects the Function of: Pancreas, stomach, small & large intestines, liver, gall bladder, spleen Symptoms of Malfunction: Digestive disorders, eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, anxiety, anger & self-control issues The Solar Plexus Chakra being the seat of the emotions and personal will strongly to our emotional body and its unconsciousness. It can be over activated by emotional reations and blocked by those fearful of their emotions. |
Location: Base of Lumbar spine (about 3 inches below the naval) Balanced State: Creates a sense of well-being and self-confidence Unbalanced State: Emotionallu unstable Affected By: Self-esteem, acceptance of self-responsibility, attitudes towards sex, relationships, connection to the earth Affects the Function of: Reproductive system, lower back, hips, legs & feet, passion, creativity & sensuality Symptoms of Malfunction: Lower back problem, female disorders & frigidity, prostate problems & impotence, susceptible to being intensely affected by strong emotions This is a very powerful and creative chakra that comes into balance with the development of a healthy inner child. It is through the energy of the Sacral that we learn o master relationships of all types and hopefully emerge emotionally stable with a strong sense of self-esteem, respect and self-worth. |
Location: Perineum (base of spine) Balanced State: Stability Unbalanced State: Fearful Affected By: Deep fears, the will to be alive, survival, grounding, feeling disconnected, ability to fit in Affects the Function of: Adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder, spine, hips, legs & feet Symptoms of Malfunction: Excessive fear, hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, knee problems, kidney disease, obesity This chakra manifests the "will to be" alive in the body and through it we relate most strongly to our physical bodies. The Base Chakra contains the consciousness of how safe we feel living on the earth and in our world and when functioning as intended provides the power to create self expression. |
To learn about the 7 chakra’s, scroll over one of the chakras on the image below.
Location: On the crown of the head Balanced State: Blissful Unbalanced State: Limited availability of higher dimensional soul energy Affected By: The energy of will of the soul, soul awarness, use of will affects the Function Of: Pineal gland, right eye, cerebrum Symptoms of Malfunction: Depression, obsessive thinking, confusion, sensitivity to pollution, migraines, chronic exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease The Crown is the receiving unit for the higher dimensional energies and directs them to the pineal gland. The pineal then transmutes these higher dimensional frequencies to frequencies which can be used by the personality vehicle and broadcasts them into the brain and cerebral spinal fluid, vitalizing the nervous system, central channel and the endocrine system. |
Location: Mid-brow Balanced State: Coordibated personality displaying unification of the physical, emotional and mental aspects of consciousness - self mastery Unbalanced State: Confusion, lack of balance between the personalities various aspects of consciousness Affected By: State of function of the lower chakras, willingness to be truly open minded, to see, hear and observe without precondition Affects the Function of: Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, Cerebrum (especially frontal lobes), left eye, ears, and sinus Symptoms of Malfunction: Learning disabilities, lack of impulse control, nightmares, poor vision, glaucoma The Ajna is responsible for balancing and coordination the energies of the personality. To a large extent this can only occur after the lower chakras have come into balance. At this point the Ajna can function as the highest and most powerful creative chakra, working in conscious cooperation with the soul. |
Location: On the throat (between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae) Balanced State: Creative self-expression in tune with the knowledge, wisdom and passion of the soul Unbalanced State: Unable to express thoughts and feelings in a creative manner Affected By: State of the Mental Body, open mindedness, truth and judgement, creative communication, self expression Affects the Function of: Thyroid & parathyroid glands, mouth, tonge, pharynx, throat, larynx, esophagus, upper lungs, lymphatic system shoulders, arms & hands Symptoms of Malfunction: Sore throats, swollen glands, colds, thyroid problems, hearing problems, overly high or low pitched voice The Throat Chakra is the higher creative com[ponent of the Sacral Chakra. It is the link into the mental body and once balanced with the emotional body we find consciousness reaching to the spiritual levels drawing energy, inspiration and knowledge for creative manifestation in life. |
Location: The center of the chest (between the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae) Balanced State: Acceptance of self & our own humanity which allows unconditional love & compassion to blossom Unbalanced State: Co-dependency & fears of loneliness, commitment, betrayal, rejection & unworthiness Affected By: Comparisson, gratitude, ability to give & receive love, acceptance & openness, improper use of will Affects the Function of: Thymus & immune system, heart & ciculatory system, lower lungs, breasts, diaphragm, arms & hands Symptoms of Malfunction: Asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, immune system disorders, breast cancer The heart can fully awaken only after the solar plexus has come into balance. As the heart opens we begin to establish a permanent link with the soul and start to live within the passion of our divine nature. |
Location: Just below the diaphragm Balanced State: Clear sense of self and one's place in the world Unbalanced State: Reactive, possibly materialistic, often displays either a submissive or aggressive personality Affected By: General emotional health, personal will & power, sense of self, ability to digest & assimilate new ideas & experiences, shock, emotions such as anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred Affects the Function of: Pancreas, stomach, small & large intestines, liver, gall bladder, spleen Symptoms of Malfunction: Digestive disorders, eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, anxiety, anger & self-control issues The Solar Plexus Chakra being the seat of the emotions and personal will strongly to our emotional body and its unconsciousness. It can be over activated by emotional reations and blocked by those fearful of their emotions. |
Location: Base of Lumbar spine (about 3 inches below the naval) Balanced State: Creates a sense of well-being and self-confidence Unbalanced State: Emotionallu unstable Affected By: Self-esteem, acceptance of self-responsibility, attitudes towards sex, relationships, connection to the earth Affects the Function of: Reproductive system, lower back, hips, legs & feet, passion, creativity & sensuality Symptoms of Malfunction: Lower back problem, female disorders & frigidity, prostate problems & impotence, susceptible to being intensely affected by strong emotions This is a very powerful and creative chakra that comes into balance with the development of a healthy inner child. It is through the energy of the Sacral that we learn o master relationships of all types and hopefully emerge emotionally stable with a strong sense of self-esteem, respect and self-worth. |
Location: Perineum (base of spine) Balanced State: Stability Unbalanced State: Fearful Affected By: Deep fears, the will to be alive, survival, grounding, feeling disconnected, ability to fit in Affects the Function of: Adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder, spine, hips, legs & feet Symptoms of Malfunction: Excessive fear, hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, knee problems, kidney disease, obesity This chakra manifests the "will to be" alive in the body and through it we relate most strongly to our physical bodies. The Base Chakra contains the consciousness of how safe we feel living on the earth and in our world and when functioning as intended provides the power to create self expression. |
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