Soul Focused Healing is an Ancient Art of Energy Healing that opens the Pathways for Healing and Enlightenment. It is the Path of Return to God by healing the limitations of the personality to live in the exquisite nature of the Soul, aligned with the Universe and the Heart of God.
As the Soul begins to uncover its true nature it dips into the love and light of God until it merges back into union through the heart with its creator. The Path of Remembrances takes us on a healing journey through mastery of the limited self into mastery over matter, exposing the true potential of our own Divinity.
As faith and trust replace the doubt and fear and we heal the pictures that have created distortions in our mind and energy field and stop the limited thinking that keeps us limited and separate, we begin to live a Soul-filled existence in harmony and balance with the Universe and The Heart of God. As the personality learns to trust the Soul and the Soul learns to trust God, the Path of Return begins.
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