7th Annual New Years Mastery Training
January 8th & 9th, 2022
This New Years Mastery is a powerful time for setting the
course and tone for the New Year.
With the interesting times happening on earth this Mastery will serve to stabilize our hearts and souls to hold more light during this continued transition. This time of Global Transition is an important time for both personal and planetary Ascension.
We are each part of the greater collective of light birthing a
New World. The evolutionary shift is awakening us within while creating a new conscious collective for the Earth.
This Mastery will focus on the alchemical process of transformation and ascension to hold deeper levels of light through our body, mind, heart, and soul while embodying more clarity for our personal soul’s mission.
I AM honored to facilitate this 7th New Years Mastery on Zoom, aligned with the Ascended Masters and Planetary Guides supporting humanity. Together we are ushering in a new collective consciousness of light for the Earth, and the Master within our hearts committed to the Completion of the
Plan of Light on Earth.
This 2022 Mastery is open to anyone around the world ready to start the new year in a new depth of Wisdom and Presence fully aligned with the Source of Light.
If you feel called it would be great to have you join this
field of Light, as we deepen our personal ascension process
while anchoring more light into the world, leaving behind
all that no longer serves our highest expression of being.
This class will be on Zoom for 2.5 hours on Sat. and Sun. morning
from 10 am-12:30 pm EST, 7:00 am PT, 3:00 pm GMT.
The cost is $77.00
(a number chosen because it is a highly spiritual master number that supports ascension)
The Zoom information will be sent to you upon registration.

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